Khadija Baker is a Montreal-based, multidisciplinary artist of Kurdish-Syrian descent. She is also a core member of the Centre for Oral History & Digital Storytelling (COHDS) at Concordia University. Her installations investigate social and political themes centred on the uncertainty of home as it relates to persecution, identity, displacement, and memory. As a witness to traumatic events, unsettled feelings of home are a part of her experience. Her multi-disciplinary installations (textile, sculpture, audio/video) involve participative storytelling and performance to create active spaces of empathy and greater understanding.


2012 – 2017 : PhD Humanity and Interdisciplinary studies, Concordia University, Montreal, QC 

2009-10 - 2012 : Master of Fine Arts in Open media, Studio Arts, Concordia University, Montreal, QC 

1999 :  Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts, Department of interior design, Damascus, Syria